Category Archives: Child Care
Breakfast: Preparing Your Child for School
Before you send your little one off to a preschool in Lanham, MD, it is vital to provide them with a good breakfast. This meal is usually the largest and most important out of our meals, especially for children. Here are some of the reasons why breakfast is so important: Concentration: Having a full belly … Continue reading
What You Should Know About Emotional Development
As a provider of early childhood education, we value all forms of learning. One of the many ways we are able to help your children at our preschool in Lanham, MD is through emotional development. This is a crucial part of your child’s growth and it can help them succeed and reach their potential as … Continue reading
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early education is something that is not required for your child to succeed in school and life, but it can really help give them a huge step-up! One Step Up Early Child Care LLC is a daycare in Maryland that also offers exceptional preschool services. If you want to ensure that your child is prepared … Continue reading
5 Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity
Creativity is something we have in common, but at the same time, creativity works differently from one person to another. You might hear people say that this person is more creative compared to that person, but actually, the measure most people use in determining the said creativity is their uniqueness. Uniqueness makes an individual’s work … Continue reading