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6 Benefits of Reading Out Loud to Your Little One

6 Benefits of Reading Out Loud to Your Little One
One way to keep your little one entertained is by reading them their favorite stories, rhymes, and poems. But did you know that reading to your child brings more than just entertainment? A long line of studies reveals that reading to your tot contributes significantly to their development.

One Step Up Early Child Care LLC is a reputable daycare in Maryland. We wrote this post to teach parents the importance of constantly reading to their children. Here are some benefits your little one can get from it:

  • It expands their vocabulary.
    Since children below five years old are not yet capable of reading, they acquire new words primarily by listening. Reading to your tot introduces them to a new set of words. It also teaches them the proper pronunciation of difficult words. Every time you read to them, make sure to point out unfamiliar words and explain to them what the words mean. You can also drop these new words in conversing with them.
  • It increases their attention span.
    Tots have a short attention span. They easily get distracted and they find it difficult to stay still for long periods of time. You can improve your tot’s attention and concentration by reading to them. Attention and concentration are two useful skills to prepare your little one for school.
  • It exercises their brain.
    According to new studies, specific areas of a child’s brain are activated when you read to them out loud. The said areas are vital for their development—the parietal lobes are responsible for the extraction of meaning from language, while the occipital lobes are important for visualization.
  • It boosts their creativity and imagination.
    Do you notice your little one’s eyes twinkle every time you read to them a story? When you read to your tot, they imagine what the characters are doing, what the setting looks like, and what is going to happen next. This widens their imagination and makes them more creative.
  • It develops empathy.
    Reading to your child allows them to put their selves in other people’s shoes. This means that they get to identify with the characters and relate to what the characters are feeling. This is a good way for your tot to understand emotions, not only theirs but others as well.
  • It brings you closer to them.
    Reading is a fun activity you can share with your little rascals. It is a perfect time for you to cuddle, while you read to them a great story. You can also exchange your opinions about what you think about the characters and the storyline.

As parents, you want to give your child the brightest future they can possibly have. You can start by giving them an excellent childhood education. If you are looking for an astounding child care in Bowie, MD, you can give One Step Up Early Child Care LLC a thought.

By the way, can you refer any excellent books parents can read to their children?

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